What do you think of the new Fantasy Football site?
2013-08-23 13:17:16 UTC
First we launched a new Fantasy Football mobile app providing the ability to draft and today we redesigned the desktop version of our game. We know change can be tough, but think you are going to love the layout. The only way to know for sure, is to hear from you. So tell us what you think. Do you love it, hate it or is something missing?

The community member with the Best Answer or Best Feedback has a chance to win a Yahoo! Fantasy Football Pub Glass and Koozie!

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325 answers:
2013-08-23 15:05:41 UTC
I like the idea of a redesign as it was well overdue! My only complaint would be the busy football stadium background image. It makes the text a bit hard to read in some places. With that said the user interface is a HUGE improvement. Perhaps a better option would be to let users choose which background image they want to use, or at least give a few options for themes so those of us who don't have fantastic eye sight don't have to struggle. Overall it is a huge improvement though as the old fantasy website looked as if it was designed in 1995.
2013-08-27 15:10:44 UTC
Little background, I have been playing fantasy for almost 10 years. I am a commissioner of 2 12 man teams for football and basketball. I am a commissioner of 1 10 man baseball league. Also play college basketball tournament, pro football survival, and pro football pick-em.

A few notes:

1. I drafted with the phone app, and it actually works really well! So good job with that!

2. The new layout is VERY hard on the eyes. The background makes everything harder to read, is very distracting, and makes the site look very tacky. The main difference between choosing between ESPN and Yahoo was the simplicity of it. ESPN was tacky, the layout was hard to navigate, and you needed 5 extra clicks to get to where you wanted to go, especially if you were playing in multiple leagues. Yahoo was simple, loved the white background, ease of navigation, and ease of use. It did lack some customization options, but the ease of use made up for it. Now, it is WORSE than ESPN. I am shocked that there isn't even an option to change it! Most of the fantasy players are older people, not high school kids. It reminds me of the demise of MySpace, a cluttered, messy website replaced by the clean white and blue of Facebook. Why yahoo would decide to force this unnecessary aesthetic layout change on people... confuses me. At least give us the option to customize the background! I'm sure that can't be too hard.

In all honesty, I hope some options will be added to be able to change the background settings at least. I know the match ups are not shown on the front page but I'm sure all that drafting boxes will be removed once the season starts? Kinda weird how it's not removed after the draft. I know you guys added fancy draft grades and you want to show case that, which is fine. But that background... I have already seriously considered moving all of my leagues to ESPN. It would be a sad move after all these years but I don't think I would be able to stare at that layout for seasons on end.
Jesus v
2013-09-10 10:24:31 UTC

How bout letting your consumer decide? Just like you have a way to pick your players off the bench you have the option of doing it the "NEW" way or the classic view! Give us the people that use yahoo fantasy the option to use the new or old layout. Don't tell us you changed things let us decide, the consumer always knows best! Don't sacrifice the Many for the Few! Change it back the Layout the back ground having the match ups on the right hand side then the middle! Change everything. Give us a heads up of when you are going to change it as well!
2013-09-09 20:33:42 UTC
My league is pretty unanimous in hating it. The style of the new UI is a cluttered mess, making navigation totally counter-intuitive. More importantly, the actual functionality is an absolute disaster (and buggy to boot). The smack talk for each matchup is completely buried. Links to expert columns are buried. Commissioner's note...buried. We have this irrelevant "Brandon's Big Board" that is not useful or actionable in any way. When clicking on a message in the message board, the initial page it takes you to is blank. You have to back out and click on it again. Oh, and speaking of careless bugs, I couldn't help but notice that the old white background still pops up when you go to add a player. You may want to go clean that up (or, even better, switch back to the white background for everything).

Then there's the mobile app, which is so buggy that you had to lock a message into the header recommending users force quit the app if they're not seeing data. Bugs happen, I get it. But that's why you release EARLY and shake the bugs out. Your QA team should be cowering in shame. Fortunately, the ads ALWAYS load. Glad the important stuff is there. On a positive note, I did get some great feedback from my league on the draft functionality in the mobile app, so nice work there.

Here's the thing. I'm not one of those guys who whines and complains every time someone changes the UI of their software. Change is necessary and good...if it's done well. But this new layout just seems sloppy and somewhat careless. I mean, do you guys EVER run this stuff by sample groups of users or get product feedback BEFORE releasing it?

Good luck. You're gonna need it.
2013-08-30 06:11:02 UTC
I do not like the change. The biggest concern is the background is darker than the text. At least make it possible to change with a simple drop down box.

Another complaint is why wait until 2 weeks before the season starts. This is awful customer care. If we had known, we may have not chosen your site. And vise-versa, others may have chosen it. I personally plan on moving all 3 leagues I commission before our drafts on September 1st if no changes are made to the background.

As for the big board in place of the match ups, I very much dislike it. I have seen there will be other things alternating in that space and the matchups will show on Tuesday and Wednesday and the standings during the other 5 days. If thats true, its ok, but why hasnt the "Brandon Big Board" been updated since June?? This is poor quality because now I have to use other websites to do research. WHY? Because I cannot read the information on your site and the big board still has Percy Harvin at number 20-something. How is that a step forward?

You guys should be ashamed for doing this at the end of August and not sometime in June. I suggest pulling it until you can do more work on it based on the feedback and bring it back next year with a drop down box option to keep the classic look.
Masked Crusader
2013-08-27 06:52:02 UTC
The Good-- Simpler and more efficient.

The Bad- I don't want to see Twitter or Facebook anywhere on my fantasy page, or a giant Big Board that rarely gets updated.

The Ugly-- The layout is terrible. The dark blurry background is a terrible contrast for the eyes. The small helmets and logos in front of the team names are too small and look awful in the little white circle. The light blue font for the team names is another terrible idea, but then again, there is too much white lettering all over the page. Looks bush league.

I would recommend making the standings/matchups/schedule box a clean white with dark lettering inside it, and you can leave the rest of the page as it is.
2014-10-29 18:03:57 UTC
Yahoo was the simplicity of it. ESPN was tacky, the layout was hard to navigate, and you needed 5 extra clicks to get to where you wanted to go, especially if you were playing in multiple leagues. Yahoo was simple, loved the white background, ease of navigation, and ease of use. It did lack some customization options, but the ease of use made up for it. Now, it is WORSE than ESPN. I am shocked that there isn't even an option to change it! Most of the fantasy players are older people, not high school kids. It reminds me of the demise of MySpace, a cluttered, messy website replaced by the clean white and blue of Facebook. Why yahoo would decide to force this unnecessary aesthetic layout change on people... confuses me. At least give us the option to customize the background! I'm sure that can't be too hard.
2013-10-06 11:38:23 UTC
This is my first year coming back to yahoo since they used to charge for game updates (I know that was awhile ago and they did fix that issue by eventually making it free). I honestly have little if not anything positive to say about the yahoo fantasy football app. Where to start.... Hard to see text with the current background. Very buggy, have had roster moves not take effect and have LONG wait times for info to load as well as multiple app crashes. Navigation is awful considering I have to select 7+ options to get anywhere when opening the app. I still cannot find other league information (ex: score settings). The app used to be my least favorite, but YAHOO now holds that spot by a long shot. Apparently this is a redesign and hope they redesign it again next year for their own sake because it needs a lot of work. I will not be coming back to yahoo next year and won't even consider it in the future until they figure out how to make a good mobile app!!!
2013-09-08 16:38:10 UTC
Ok, so I'm an old lady that enjoys Fantasy Football, but no longer on your site. I can't see a darn thing. The color scheme has taken all the fun out of watching the games with my IPad on my lap following my teams. I also do not like how the new projected/fantasy stats are calculated. Why do that always match? I'm confused. I always enjoyed seeing ( in the good old days when I could see the page) how my players did against the projected stats. Now that is gone too. Would love to have the old format back. Please take ALL your players into consideration when making such drastic changes. At the very least, give us an option, just like we have for our regular Yahoo homepage. Thank you for reading, here's hoping you will listen!
2015-11-08 13:46:07 UTC
used to charge for game updates (I know that was awhile ago and they did fix that issue by eventually making it free). I honestly have little if not anything positive to say about the yahoo fantasy football app. Where to start.... Hard to see text with the current background. Very buggy, have had roster moves not take effect and have LONG wait times for info to load as well as multiple app crashes. Navigation is awful considering I have to select 7+ options to get anywhere when opening the app. I still cannot find other league information (ex: score settings). The app used to be my least favorite, but YAHOO now holds that spot by a long shot. Apparently this is a redesign and hope they redesign it again next year for their own sake because it needs a lot of work. I will not be coming back to yahoo next year and won't even consider it in the future until they figure out how to make a good mobile app!!!
2015-08-08 21:45:37 UTC
I can't see a darn thing. The color scheme has taken all the fun out of watching the games with my IPad on my lap following my teams. I also do not like how the new projected/fantasy stats are calculated. Why do that always match? I'm confused. I always enjoyed seeing ( in the good old days when I could see the page) how my players did against the projected stats. Now that is gone too. Would love to have the old format back. Please take ALL your players into consideration when making such drastic changes. At the very least, give us an option, just like we have for our regular Yahoo homepage. Thank you for reading, here's hoping you will listen!
Kevin B
2013-09-06 14:31:57 UTC
Quite honestly, the new interface is terrible. The dark background and white text hurts my eyes when I look at for more than a few minutes. Information is very difficult to view compared with the old interface. For example, the baseball teams' schedules used to be in a monthly calendar form where it was easy to see what days teams played. Now there is only a list view, which makes it inconvenient to tell what days teams play. To make such a drastic change in the interface, with no notice or no ability to revert back to the old interface, is really poor customer serve.

Personally, I played fantasy sports on Yahoo because I liked their interface better than CBS or ESPN. However now Yahoo's interface is BY FAR the worst of the three. This will be my last year playing fantasy sports on Yahoo unless they give an option to go back to the old interface.
2013-09-06 08:35:22 UTC
It's difficult to do what was once simple. I can't choose a week when looking at match-ups. Only after I mash the mouse button over the drop down several hundred times, does the menu actually stay there long enough for me to select a different week.

As others have said, the background is wonky and makes things difficult to read.

This must be a bug, but when viewing some of the pop up player profiles, the fantasy points for each week (projected or earned) falls out of the view and you can't scroll to see what it says.

Hopefully most of these issues get worked out sooner rather than later.
2013-08-30 16:45:17 UTC
While the new site is nice, I agree with the facts that you should be able to change backgrounds as well as change back to the old interface if you really want it. If Yahoo sees more than 50% switching back to the old version, that's a pretty significant indicator that the redesign is not being taken very well.

If there are too many ads pushing you constantly, then you will definitely consider other options from other vendors like ESPN, etc. Provide simple, easy to use interfaces that are easy to read and intuitive to stand a better chance of success with all the fancy bells and whistles as options that can be changed in the settings and MANY more people will be satisfied on both sides of the aisle.
2013-08-27 12:03:44 UTC
I am confused by it... Unlike facebook, which is more or less a monopoly that can force changes on its users off a whim, Yahoo has competition from both and You make some DRASTIC changes, which directly contradict the reasoning most of us have for choosing your product over all others (the ease and simplicity), knowing FULL WELL we all hate it (i.e. the recent "note" issued to every league saying, "We are listening to your feedback regarding our recent redesign. While we will not be going back to the old format, we will be focusing on improving the readability of the pages, along with other improvements. We appreciate how passionate you are about Fantasy Football and welcome your comments.")... Translate that, what you are basically saying is that Yahoo simply does not care about its users. Why would any of us stay loyal to you if that is your mindset? A central thesis of Capitalism is that any good business needs to be responsive to the market's demands. The market has demanded that you return to a system we all know and love, and with that note your response was "no, screw what you want and take this lesser product!"... Good business model people!!!! I'm sure your stockholders are all going to love that.
Adam k
2013-09-27 09:11:20 UTC
So far, so good. My biggest complaint is pretty trivial: I wish the custom team logos were more prominent. A lot of fun in fantasy football is 1) coming up with a team name and 2) photoshopping an image to accompany the team name. However, with the current layout the circle logos take away from any custom images. I think a 200x300 square custom logo would be perfect. And possibly even the ability to click on a teams logo to have a larger one pull in on a popup. Anything to encourage trash talk and entertainment within a fantasy league is what I enjoy most.
2013-09-24 07:56:22 UTC
The idea of a redesign is always OK because you want to keep things fresh and new but the actual layout itself is a bit of a mess (no offense). The background image makes the page appear to be very "busy" which results in the text being difficult to read. If I had a choice between the new layout and the old, I would have to say the old layout wins :-)
2013-09-04 22:54:06 UTC
The change alienates your clientele. Clearly the individuals involved in the change never actually played fantasy sports on yahoo. This is a common error, however, the longer you wait to provide a 'classic view' or some other stop-gap you are literally losing fantasy football users.

I started fantasy football with yahoo due to email being through yahoo. The old format is nostalgic, however it was also functional. I would stay on yahoo for hours researching and planning my team. The new blurry football field and player search that is buggy and unusable for IDPs make playing a chore. I've tried 10 times to search for D.J. Williams of the Ravens. He doesn't show up because of this thrown together user interface, that's appearance is only topped by it's lack of functionality.

I like some of the ideas, however this is like burning a steak in order to put gravy on it.

I'd fix this issue fast, otherwise NFL and ESPN are going to finally take the fantasy football crown that they've probably felt should've been theirs all along.
2013-09-02 17:00:30 UTC
I HATE the layout. Many of the players in our league have complained that they cannot easily read the words due to the dark background. I spend much less time on the site simply due to eye fatigue. Definitely NOT a fan of the dark background--- I do not like having to squint and get a headache just to check on my team. Please allow some way to revert back to the old format. Had I known of this change we would have checked other sites. We have used Yahoo fantasy for years, but I will not use it next year if the format stays the same.
2013-08-30 14:09:21 UTC
How does ANYBODY like this background?? Its just people trying to suck up for the prize.

Well I dont want the prize and since I dont want it i'm not trying to suck-up. The new Fantasy football site is ABSOLUTELY HORRID. The major problem is that the background is dark and makes my eyes BLEED reading anything on the site.

I actually used Yahoo signfiicantly last year for all my sports and fantasy football needs but now we're only doing our fantasy football draft in Yahoo because its too late to switch. And I cant even use Yahoo for my fantasy football news needs because it hurts my eyes.

First thing that needs to be done is switching back to a white background - much easier on the eyes and we can use Yahoo Fantasy Sports again.
2013-10-23 07:15:58 UTC
I personally hate it. I agree that the text is harder to read, but the function as to bench and make trades are difficult. I've had to drop players on my team if I need to offer a trade of 2 or more players. Also continuously getting an error message when Im start and bench a player then save the changes to my line up. And most annoying is the medal that I earned in the beginning, like 6 weeks ago still appears on the page and wont go away.
Jacques Ouf
2013-09-07 12:31:39 UTC
I don't know who's idea it was to put white/blue text on a dark background, but on a website with a lot of text to read on the screen, it's textbook web design 101 NOT to put white/blue text on a dark background when you want people to be able to read text! The color scheme is atrocious. Does it have a name? Oozing Pus Depression? Toxic Sludge Revelry? It's like some goth kid was told to come up with an appealing website for sports fans and begrudgingly came up with this. Static backgrounds are cute I guess if you're customizing a myspace page circa 2004. Seriously, I got tired of looking at this new layout in about five minutes, and I'm a tolerant person. I can't imagine how the rest of the users/readers felt.

I haven't visited all the crevices of this new cancer, but one obvious technical issue is on clicking a player to open their profile, game log, situational stats, and split stats are all missing. Game log is empty on most players, and with the stats you have to click a previous year or career then back again to see 2012 season stats. And why does this annoying answer box tell me I have over 200 misspelled words and says crap like " looks like you have a lot of punctuation" like it's judging me?

The mobile app is not bad. I'm not sure I'd risk drafting over the phone just yet unless I had no other choice. I'd like to see "Transaction Trends" and "adds/drops" added so I can see who the latest buzz or bust players are on a daily basis.
2013-09-05 19:42:36 UTC
I have used Yahoo for years and never had issues, the iOS and Android Apps this year are AWFUL!!! What did you do, the first game of the year and the apps just kick people off all night, this is absurd. The functionality was worse to begin with on the new version and now it does not even work at all, really unprofessoinal. Figure it out ASAP or ESPN here I come in 2014.
2013-08-28 22:17:20 UTC
Horrible decisions have been made. I don't know who decides what changes are made but clearly someone need's to be reprimanded or fired. This is terrible. From a design stand point it's extremely poor. Out of focus football field as a background? Round team icons that only allows you to upload images that are square. Ridiculous! Just stupid and makes Yahoo look ignorant.

If you want to make the site look flashy - that's fine. At least add a function where users can select a "Classic" version to the "Modern".

Also, for while I have an open forum. For Mock Drafts - Please add the ability for LIVE users to speed up the lobby clock with a "READY" button. Also, allow LIVE users to kick autopick users from lobbys. No reason for live users to be penalized for people joining mock drafts for your stupid medals...

Get it right Yahoo - before everyone goes to ESPN or NFL for Fantasy Football.
2014-11-17 19:28:26 UTC
as it was well overdue! My only complaint would be the busy football stadium background image. It makes the text a bit hard to read in some places. With that said the user interface is a HUGE improvement. Perhaps a better option would be to let users choose which background image they want to use, or at least give a few options for themes so those of us who don't have fantastic eye sight don't have to struggle. Overall it is a huge improvement though as the ol
2014-11-09 14:33:06 UTC
I used to play about 10 Yahoo leagues a year, now I play zero. The new format is TERRIBLE. Not only is the new fantasy leagues terrible, but the new email and sports pages are terrible. I do not use Yahoo for anything anymore. The only reason I'm even say this question to answer is because it came up in a Google search when I was looking for something else, and couldn't resist telling you people how much your changes suck. I never ... NEVER use Yahoo email anymore, and I also do not go to Yahoo Sports anymore, nor do I get my news from Yahoo anymore. I use Yahoo for nothing. Thanks for screwing up what used to be a great website. Losers.
2013-08-28 13:13:29 UTC
It is awful. I hate it. It sucks. And it is so much more buggy. I have to keep hitting refresh to get the correct info to show up on the screen. It is so cluttered and busy it gives me a migraine. After this baseball season is over I am done with Yahoo fantasy sports and going back to ESPN, with their clean simple layout. Seriously, when did you guys get a time machine to hire web developers from 1995? Just horrible. That's what happens when you let the idiots suits make decisions.

I also find it interesting that only positive posts are getting voted up so they can appear on the front page. So Yahoo is also trying to fool everyone into thinking everyone else likes it. But once you get past page one, you realize how many people actually hate it.
2013-08-27 16:49:44 UTC
I wouldn't mind a redesign since the old layout was a bit old school and Yahoo is trying to keep up with the competition. The only problem is that for fantasy baseball not only have they changed the layout (which is pretty bad on the eyes in of itself) but they've also changed things that have NOTHING to do with a redesigned layout. I can no longer view vs batter for pitchers (and vs pitchers for batters) in aggregate but now you have to do a search per season! That's ok for rookies but for guys in the league for a while it's cumbersome and time-consuming!

I just feel that people at yahoo! are trying to re-invent the wheel here... fantasy sports players don't play so we can look at pretty images or pictures, we play to win our leagues! At least give us a choice to go back to the old format for those of us who don't like this!
2015-10-16 06:33:50 UTC
The style of the new UI is a cluttered mess, making navigation totally counter-intuitive. More importantly, the actual functionality is an absolute disaster (and buggy to boot). The smack talk for each matchup is completely buried. Links to expert columns are buried. Commissioner's note...buried. We have this irrelevant "Brandon's Big Board" that is not useful or actionable in any way. When clicking on a message in the message board, the initial page it takes you to is blank. You have to back out and click on it again. Oh, and speaking of careless bugs, I couldn't help but notice that the old white background still pops up when you go to add a player. You may want to go clean that up (or, even better, switch back to the white background for everything).
2013-08-28 09:43:55 UTC
I have the same complaint with the new app as i have with the new site layout. while it looks nice and all its not really that functional. biggest issue for me is the contrast which makes if difficult to read. additionally everything seems blurred together and there is no "good" separation between the various sections this makes it more difficult to "find the content i want". it reminds me of a stream (fb, twitter, et al) which is good for social media and other "dynamic" content, but its nice to have some continuity and stability. no need to reinvent the wheel or provide flashy new layouts just keep providing great content and services. compare yahoo, bing, and google - why is google generally preferred? i think its because of the simple uncluttered home page (tradition, size, and name recognition help too).

to sum it up -- less is more (at least for me)
2013-08-27 08:40:59 UTC
I am a Yahoo! fantasy sports loyalist so everything I'm about to say completely constructive:

Nick below is spot on; the background is way too busy. I like the transparency but it does strain the eyes a little bit more than the crisp white background of old. Overall, it LOOKS great, but as far as day to day use goes, i could see it getting a little tiresome. As it currently stands, the "Create a trade" page is still under the old format, and it's just a sharp, easy on the eyes contrast to the new version. The side multiple scrolling items (i.e. the side bars with news headlines, etc) on the new Player Profile pages are pretty distracting/annoying, i've gotta say.

With that being said, I am 100% in agreement with a lot of people on this board: there needs to be an option to be able to switch up themes/color schemes. One of the reason I like Yahoo! sports so much is because of the simplicity of the layout and color schemes... ESPN is way too busy, makes it impossible to do simple tasks, and I overall just do not enjoy the dark color schemes/small text they use. To me, this black/grey theme was trying way to hard to be like ESPN, whereas i think the simplicity of the original Yahoo! layout was what set them apart.

My biggest qualm right now is the added steps in looking at a full player profile/game log. No long can you just click on the name and have their profile pop up... now you get their 'sticky note' update when you click on their name. This needs to be changed back. I'm not retarded but it took me a sadly long time to figure out how to get to the play profile from that sticky note (clicking on their name AGAIN). Why add an extra step to get to the profile?? Short and sweet: click on the sticky note. In-depth: click on the name to get the player profile - it's as simple as that.

By far the biggest setback in this update is the game-log/player profile functionality. This was incredibly disappointing... If i want to look up Matt Forte's 2011 stats/game log:

Old version: click name for profile, click game log, click year.

New version: click name for sticky note pop up, click name again for full profile, click game log, click dropdown menu for year, click desired year, click filter.

That is night and day, and to be honest... i just don't see how that was an upgrade. You added 3 steps into a process that used to be so simple - i don't get it. Please god, change this back.

Lastly: if you're going to put Brandon Funston's 'Big Board' on every league home page as a stock-type watch list, the least you could do is get the guy to update - that part was just kind of pathetic... we've all known about Percy Harvin's hip for over a month - he's not ranked in the top 50 players anymore. Great idea, but if you're gonna do it, why don't you just go that tiny step further and provide information that's actually true.

Oh yea, Brad Evans sucks.

That's all I've got. All in all, i'm a fan of moving forward and making the site more aesthetically pleasing, but so far some of the original simplicity of the original site has suffered... give the users some flexibility and don't shove ESPN's all-dark color themes down their throat.

David Whitten
2013-09-27 06:10:43 UTC
I have been a yahoo fantasy player for years and please know I mean this with the most respect...this layout is bad. From a users perspective you can't go from one extreme to the other. I believe the layout was made with the best intentions, but overall everyone I have talked to feels the same way that sometimes tweaking features will be more enjoyable than changing how we see things. I always believe that it is hard to adjust at first...the problem is this is such a huge facelift that it will be hard for me for fall in love with a face I don't love...
2013-09-05 10:42:35 UTC
The dark background has got to go. It is very difficult to read. Also, for some reason the new Swap Mode editing does not work on my new Windows 8 computer.

Most importantly, what happened to your team slogan being displayed on the match up page? I thought it was there until just last night. The team slogan area is the #1 spot to smack talk your current week opponent. If they have to click on your team page it defeats the purpose.

And lastly, the option to review all your match up picks and change them from one screen disappeared in the last day or so. Bring this back!!
2013-09-04 14:05:22 UTC
One challenge to creating a unique homepage for fantasy football is figuring out how to do so without comprising the overall aesthetic consistency yahoo maintains for its other pages. Users should feel like they are traveling down the same path when exploring yahoo. The new layout is not conducive to that consistency. So separate from the new/retooled features, the translucent backdrop (ala gmail) for fantasy football pages will inevitably cause an internal disconnect for users. Unless Yahoo's goal is to market fantasy football as it's own entity, the new site will turn off more users than it will attract.
2014-06-04 18:46:23 UTC
In all honesty, I hope some options will be added to be able to change the background settings at least. I know the match ups are not shown on the front page but I'm sure all that drafting boxes will be removed once the season starts? Kinda weird how it's not removed after the draft. I know you guys added fancy draft grades and you want to show case that, which is fine.
Tike M
2013-10-23 17:44:16 UTC
The new site is amazing, Yahoo is still the king of fantasy football sites and this new design only makes it that much better.
2013-09-08 14:28:45 UTC
I have been playing FF on yahoo for years and the new site is Awful. It is hard to see the text and the background is too busy. The simple look was the best. Black text on a clear white background. Also the way you look at the matchups is terrible. I know they tried to put the numbers closer together so you could compare better, but it just does not work well for me. I just wish it would go back to the way it was.
2013-09-05 06:40:07 UTC
Your light-text-on-black-background does not work well. The same layout should be fine if the colors are inverted - the blurred football field being heavily masked with white, the block backgrounds being translucent white, and the text being dark colors. The new design is pretty, but hard to quickly scan; FFB usage is all about quickly checking stats and adjusting lineups.

One hard reason:

"People with astigmatism (aproximately 50% of the population) find it harder to read white text on black than black text on white ... with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye."

The header and footer are the only areas are likely to work with dark backgrounds. Consider tweaking your usability testing process!
2013-09-04 08:06:20 UTC
The app is great but I do not like the desktop redesign. The only real problem is the background image as many others have mentioned. I think solid colors work much better as a background. Please at least give us the option to either revert back to the old design or change the background. Thank you.
2013-08-29 08:56:41 UTC
I've always preferred Yahoo! Fantasy Football to others (, CBS SportsLine,or ESPN) because of the simplicity of its design and its ease of use. The redesign is pretty, but it seems that usability has taken a hit, as illustrated by hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of comments to that effect in the Feedback section.

Personally, my biggest gripe is the cropping of team logos into a circle. I didn't design my team logo to fit inside a circle of any particular size, so the corners and some of the text in it are cut off. It looks stupid now.

I think if the redesign had been purely visual (instead of moving all kinds of stuff around) and hadn't introduced the dumb circular cropping of team logos, people would like it. I would like it.

I think people also didn't like that it was sprung on them just a few days before their draft, not giving them a whole lot of time to get used to it. I'd agree.

One big complaint seems to be the blurry football field background image. Personally, I like it, but a blank dark gray background would be fine with me, too.

People complain, but I think Yahoo! Fantasy Football is still the best out there. Not as good as it was last year, but still the best.

Hope that helps!
2013-08-26 19:14:42 UTC
Please change it back to the previous background. The most important need is to able to read it easily. It takes too much effort to read on the muddy / camouflage background. Appearance is important, but secondary to being easy to read and focus on, especially when scanning through names.

The layout is good, but the background is a horrible choice for placement behind text, especially text that will be read on computer screens, by a wide range of age groups and varying eyesight strength.

I don't understand how this would make it to the website, doesn't yahoo have quality control? Certainly someone at yahoo thought it was a poor choice for the reasons mentioned above.
2013-09-06 13:00:46 UTC
The term "epic fail" is overused on the internet, but nothing else applies better than that term. Us fantasy geeks look at the screen for HOURS and the blue/grey/white text on a dark background just doesn't work for that.

This is 2013, it should be pretty easy to set it up so that we can customize the look of our pages and their contents. Want to see Brandon's Big Board (tho I'm not sure why you would)? Check this box. Want to see the players' bye weeks on your team page (and the free agent list)? Check this box. Want black text on a white background (instead of the unreadable one we demand you use)? Check this box. Pretty simple.

And the attitude of "we're not going to revert back to the way it was...but we're listening to you" is customer service suicide in my opinion. Might as well have a graphic of a middle finger to go along with it.

You guys planned it perfectly so it's too late to switch this year, but ESPN gets my business next year.

Steven J
2013-08-30 11:35:01 UTC
New design is absolutely terrible. My league is not happy about it. We'll be moving to ESPN next year.

Incredibly frustrating and terrible timing. Why launch this immediately before the season starts? Because you knew if it rolled out before people started drafting they'd likely move their leagues elsewhere?

Good example is the team settings. Tried to update my email notifications today but took forever to find. No chance there was any usability testing done on this redesign.

Again....worst. redesign. ever. Anyone that says otherwise worked on this project and is trying to save their job.
2013-08-29 19:15:38 UTC
Everyone else is right! The view is terrible. The background image makes it sooo hard to read. I have played in yahoo for 4 years now and I wont play next season if its still like this or at least has an option to change it. Ahhh why would you do this to us? Dont you have people test this before publishing the changes...?
2013-08-29 18:14:12 UTC
I'm really not happy with the new display. I found it distracting to be honest. Why don't you add a option to flip it back to the classic look. It was cleaner and to the point and just overall more serious. If you know what I mean? This feel like it came out of absolutely nowhere. Like you just decided. Legs switch it up! Lol your classic look is part of what made you guys the top dogs in fantasy football. Now ...I'm not sure what to a make of it. Please add an option to play classic mode. That would make everyone happy.
2013-08-29 13:38:15 UTC
I've been playing fantasy sports on Yahoo for about 15 years.

Over the years a lot has changed here - sometimes for the better, sometimes not - but throughout that time I've still felt that, overall, Yahoo was the best place for playing fantasy sports.

Not now.

This recent change is the single worst development I've ever seen in all my years playing on Yahoo, and it will absolutely cause me to move to a different site next year. I can't find ONE SINGLE THING that is enhanced in this new setup - EVERY change appears to have made the experience worse. I've never seen anything like it.

It's as if someone said: "Hey, what can we do to make the experience as bad as possible, and drive away as many users as possible?"

It's mind-blowingly bad...
Mr. Steele
2013-08-29 06:38:33 UTC
I have to agree: I hate the new design. It is hideous. Why would I want to have to strain to read everything? The biggest reason I've kept our league with Yahoo every year is the nice, clean layout. And now it's gone.

It's my league's last year with Yahoo if an option isn't provided to get rid of the ridiculous new background and make the site more functional again.
2013-08-26 18:47:36 UTC
I hate the new look. It tires my eye to look at. The older member of the league are having trouble just trying to view their teams. I feel like I'm reading by candle light. Bring back the option to use last years version. Don't shove the new crappy version down our throats. There are so many other platforms for fantasy football that people can use. If you don't change the format to something that people can actually read, they will go elsewhere. I will take my league elsewhere.
2014-10-23 21:34:14 UTC
Your light-text-on-black-background does not work well. The same layout should be fine if the colors are inverted - the blurred football field being heavily masked with white, the block backgrounds being translucent white, and the text being dark colors. The new design is pretty, but hard to quickly scan; FFB usage is all about quickly checking stats and adjusting lineups.
2013-08-30 10:12:49 UTC
The opacity is too low on the black/gray boxes. If the image were not so blurry, then maybe your eye could recognize the image and not be such a distraction. So your options would be:

1-Make the boxes less opaque (90%+)

2-Make the boxes slightly less opaque but keep background image sharp.

This feedback is for the web application.
2013-08-29 21:53:41 UTC
A lot of problems with the new layout. Statistical problems for some players' game logs. For example, when you look at Darren Sproles' game log, you can't see his rushing stats. Also, it doesn't list the Week Number in the game logs, just the date, and it doesn't show when they missed games with the 0's for that week. It's really a lot tougher to view game logs when doing research on players.

Also, the background image makes everything harder to read. The old way was much cleaner and easier to read.
regular joe
2013-09-22 19:30:09 UTC
If you like any of the Yahoo cosmetic and functional changes to their sports, mail and other pages then you have a right to that opinion. It probably is not the first time you have been wrong and judging from your judgement then it also won't be the last time. The re-design is a monumental waste sight that needs to be better, MUCH BETTER managed. My observation is to either return to the old or scrape the new and start from the raw again.
The Queen of Everything
2013-09-04 22:49:35 UTC
I agree with all the others who said that the background is bad. I also preferred the ability to see messages, smack talk, slogan changes, and other info all in on the main page. Having to click on each team or match-up to see what people are posting discourages conversation and smack talk because it is harder to find and takes longer. I have nothing against change when it is an improvement, but this seems like a step backward.
2013-08-31 13:00:27 UTC
I really dislike this new "look." It is incredibly difficult to read with the dark background. My eyes are straining after just a few minutes of looking at it. The drag-and-drop method to move players on the roster apparently doesn't work anymore? Drag-and-drop is the most intuitive way to make roster changes; why take that away?

It looks awful. It's missing information. It's not easy to use. Please revert to the old look.

There are plenty of fantasy football websites. I'd prefer not to have to deal with the hassle of switching, but I won't stick with this.
2013-08-27 08:13:10 UTC

I'm hating the new background and layout in the Football league and now I see they are implementing it on the baseball player stats as well. I just want to see a simple comparison of what my player is doing compared to other players at the same position. I don't need see that Justin Upton went 1-3 against a lefty 4 months ago. For **** sakes. Damn you Yahoo. Damn you...
2013-08-26 16:41:08 UTC
The App is Great...and the new features are good as well

But both the App and the Website need to GO BACK TO WHITE OR GIVE AN OPTION

Its 2013 people like CUSTOMIZATION



YOU ARE CURRENTLY RUNNING ABOUT 9-1 Against so get on it and change it before the season
2016-05-15 02:16:17 UTC
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2013-09-30 04:00:11 UTC
this new feature is just stupid and awful to the point I'm doing ESPN leagues for the first time. If anything they took away the power rankings and draft projections. Its sad that whoever change it has no idea what real fantasy managers want. If they don't change it by Late Oct before basketball then I'm taking all my leagues I run (8 to 12 leagues) to ESPN and CBS. That is a promise
2013-09-10 05:47:46 UTC
The new website is terrible. The dark background is very difficult on the eyes, and I can't spend more than a minute or two a day on the website.

New background = fewer eyeballs looking at advertising banners = less $$$ for Yahoo.

Yahoo, you need to let us have a white background option!
Randy Herz
2013-09-06 06:49:28 UTC
The rolling team point totals that used to be on the right side of the home screen are missing. instead it shows Brandons board. As a result it is impossible to see which teams are winning during the week/games etc. without going into each team individually or by using stat tracker. Stat tracker requires flash which means no ipad or iphone.
2013-08-30 08:00:27 UTC
I guess if I was 8 my eyes would be strong enough to read the reversed out type on a blurry football field background. But I'm not 8, and Fantasy Football usually requires a lot of reading. So black type on white background would be nice.
2013-08-29 07:11:18 UTC
The new color scheme is terrible. It literally hurts the eyes to look at it. Did Yahoo not have anyone test this before a drastic change? I'm curious if the person who had this idea is an ESPN spy trying to make people switch to ESPN's fantasy football. Yahoo should look at how clean ESPN's fantasy site is as a template.
Robert Lewis
2013-09-24 14:35:06 UTC
The new design is painful. It's very hard to look at for very long - dark backgrounds with bright text are not good for prolonged UI engagements. PLEASE go back or at least soften the background and text. Also the projected and actual scoring side by side on the matchup's for football are way too busy. Just give the actuals on the matchup's and can see the projected somewhere else.
Theresa J.
2013-09-09 22:34:43 UTC
HATE IT!!!! Hard to read the screen and mine keeps blacking out causing me to force close the app. I understand taking risks, but how about giving us the option to change back if we don't like it?? Not good customer service especially when SO MANY of us play fantasy. Don't get me started on that VERY last minute change before the season begins. Not everything needs a change!! How about working on security? My account has been hacked like three times.
Crazy Diamond
2013-09-05 21:47:05 UTC
Hahaha What a disaster! After over 10 years, I am out - From now on I will host my league at ESPN or CBS Sports, etc. Horrible background, horrible menu, can't see realtime team scores. What, redesigned in a boardroom with a show of hands? ByeBye
2013-09-04 09:43:35 UTC
The new features are great - really, really like the option to click-switch roster spots. Saves an action. Awesome!

The design is terrible. Such an eyesore. Really, the old design was way cleaner. Simple works. Don't get carried away trying to be fancy. The background image is brutal.
2013-08-29 12:00:09 UTC
I'd like to have the option to switch back to the old skin/look with the white background or at least have the option to change the color of the current background. This green background is distracting.

Other than that, I like the new look. And when it comes to stuff like this I'm usually a "change is bad" kinda person too.
2013-08-28 07:41:44 UTC
The new desktop version of the game is disorienting, hard to read and I'm likely going to move all my leagues to CBS unless it changes to something easier on the eyes this season. Just keep the white background with the black text and get rid of all these ridiculous colors / background images / etc. To the extent that your goal is to keep me coming back to the site so that you can earn ad revenue, this is probably the worst thing you could of done. The design is over-thought and indulgent.

I haven't used the app enough to comment.
2013-08-26 12:42:41 UTC
I think we needed more warning or practice time for this. I just put a new person in my league and explained everything to him and BAM! this change happens and I am just as confused as him. It's not horrible, but with my draft tomorrow and Thursday, I would really like to not be rocking the boat like this. Can we have the option to go to the old format? The neon colors and blurry background aren't helping either.
2013-08-25 12:14:17 UTC
I do not like the change. The biggest concern is the background is darker than the text. At least make it possible to change with a simple drop down box.

Another complaint is why wait until 2 weeks before the season starts. This is awful customer care. If we had known, we may have not chosen your site. And vise-versa, others may have chosen it. I personally plan on moving all 3 leagues I commission before our drafts on September 1st if no changes are made to the background.

As for the big board in place of the match ups, I very much dislike it. I have seen there will be other things alternating in that space and the matchups will show on Tuesday and Wednesday and the standings during the other 5 days. If thats true, its ok, but why hasnt the "Brandon Big Board" been updated since June?? This is poor quality because now I have to use other websites to do research. WHY? Because I cannot read the information on your site and the big board still has Percy Harvin at number 20-something. How is that a step forward?

You guys should be ashamed for doing this at the end of August and not sometime in June. I suggest pulling it until you can do more work on it based on the feedback and bring it back next year with a drop down box option to keep the classic look.
2014-09-05 21:14:31 UTC
The only problem is that for fantasy baseball not only have they changed the layout (which is pretty bad on the eyes in of itself) but they've also changed things that have NOTHING to do with a redesigned layout. I can no longer view vs batter for pitchers (and vs pitchers for batters) in aggregate but now you have to do a search per season! That's ok for rookies but for guys in the league for a while it's cumbersome and time-consuming!
mike d
2013-09-05 21:16:04 UTC
I like the interface, but as other have stated the background and semi opaque stats boards are a bit difficult to read at times. I would suggest either some basic customization options or perhaps "Themes" Like "Classic" "Stadium" etc...and possibly NFL Favorite teams Themes in the future!
2013-08-28 20:55:25 UTC
The new layout sucks. The pages are bloated with ads, take forever to load, are hard to read, hard to navigate, and uncomfortable to look at. The fact that you can't revert to the old layout is a major oversight. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here except annoy your customer base.

Stop fixing things that aren't broken.
Conan Troutman
2013-08-27 07:52:25 UTC
1. I can read it, but I'd prefer a classic, white background with a dark font.

2. The background takes up a lot of CPU while scrolling (up to 50% on a regular dual core), which makes it rather slow and lagging. When I disable pictures (in Opera, don't know how this works in Firefox), it's perfectly fine again.

So yeah, please let us disable the background or pick an alternate style.
2013-08-26 18:11:14 UTC
Please allow the "theme" or "skin" to be customizable. Dark backgrounds are not everyone's cup of tea.

Part of the reason I have stuck with yahoo for such a long time is how nice the layout was. Make small changes over time, don't have a huge overhaul right before the season starts.
Ande W
2013-09-08 12:59:04 UTC
Sports fantasy page is just awful. Can't see anything with this new background. The white background was waaay better to read things. The navigation is not user friendly, as I have to scroll to access frequently used links. It was much better and efficient when everything was at the top of the screen and easy to access.
2013-08-28 11:34:25 UTC

- Or at least give the option to change backgrounds. Everything else is fine.

It is very difficult to navigate with this dark, busy background.

Take a little advice from Google and go with simplicity... It seems to have worked out very well for them.

If it is not changed, our leagues will consider joining the current boycott movement and switch to another site.
Justin B
2013-08-28 06:57:54 UTC
It's a complete mess.

As per the mantra of all yahoo sites, it turned what was once a clean, easily readable site into a complete cluster of meaningless information. I really don't need to have a huge chunk of the screen taken up by fantasy expert's twitter feeds.

What ever happened to design simplicity?
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2013-09-07 07:58:29 UTC
Hey Yahoo!, READ THE COMMENTS! People are saying that the site is hard to read. ARE YOU BLIND? The site is HARD TO READ. People are saying they never had a problem with the old site. GIVE PEOPLE THE OPTION TO GO BACK TO THE OLD FORMAT OR GIVE THEM THE OPTION TO ADJUST THE BACKGROUND. There isn't one comment that says, "Hey, I like the dark background," or "Yeah, it's tougher to read and looks cluttered, but I like it!" Why so stubborn? There isn't a shortage of fantasy sites out there. We're here because Yahoo! was among the first, and WAS among the best.
2013-09-05 15:39:14 UTC
Its full of bugs and issues. For example (in Safari) when I click on Jacoby Jones' player info and then click on Game Log, nothing happens. The game log does not display. This is just one of many issues I'm running into. It looks slick but I miss the functionality that was. Also miss the Team Calendar view for Baseball teams.
2013-08-30 07:38:14 UTC
I looks like you didn't test this site on anyone over 30. At 50 I have a hard time looking at this site. the blurry background makes me dizzy and my eyes hurt. I can't express enough how disappointed I am with these changes. You need to at least give people the option to view this site with a white background, not the weird black one.
Dave S
2013-08-29 12:52:58 UTC
At first I was dismayed by the new design. Now I am getting used to it. Either way the Fantasy game has not changed, the rules have not changed, and the inherent injury potential of the players has not changed. I will continue to use the Yahoo format and figure things out as I go...I'm flexible and adapt to change pretty well.
2013-08-29 09:31:23 UTC
Your new layout is awful. It hurts my eyes and is too busy. Simplicity is better, not flashy. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired.

Was going to setup a league on Yahoo...but because of how bad it looks, going elsewhere and probably not coming back. I don't think I will be the only one.
2013-08-27 06:22:14 UTC
Agree with the comments about the poor contrast/blurry background. Something easier on my old eyes would be much appreciated.

The features seem to be good so far, though I haven't really explored the league due to the difficulty in reading it.

Options for color/background and displayed content (I don't want to look at the Big Board 1 more day, much less all season) would also be nice.
2013-08-26 15:52:59 UTC
Please offer the option for a simplified background that provides better contrast for reading text. If you make that change, more than half of the complaints in responses to this question would be resolved. Users could focus on the improved features such as draft rank, easier lineup changes, and streamlined access (fewer clicks) to various features.
2013-08-26 15:27:56 UTC
The Android App update is solid. The website, however, is just too hard to read and makes rosterbating much less enjoyable. If you could just provide a white background to the main content areas, that would be swell.
2013-12-16 00:27:53 UTC
The worst Fantasy Football platform, ever.

No question about it.
2016-03-10 03:38:10 UTC
Really hope they get this fixed before the second round of games today. Cant really make any changes or even decide not to, If I cant see whats going on. Come ESPN Fantasy IT support team you can do it.
2014-05-27 19:22:00 UTC
I know you guys added fancy draft grades and you want to show case that, which is fine. But that background... I have already seriously considered moving all of my leagues to ESPN. It would be a sad move after all these years but I don't think I would be able to stare at that layout for seasons on end.
2013-09-07 13:33:48 UTC
The entire layout is bad. Too dark and one of the biggest draws was the ease of swapping players by dragging and dropping. That is gone. The clearly visible trash talk is gone. Nothing is intuitive anymore. After this season I will be looking at other sites to host our league.
2013-09-24 09:27:49 UTC
I can hardly look at it. The background is very distracting. Please bring back the white! The overuse of team logos is distracting as well. I used to be able to copy and paste standings, transactions, and scores to an e-mail. I still can, but it is now barely readable with all the helmets cluttering things.

One nice improvement is the way the line-up change is done.
2013-09-23 04:51:26 UTC
It's horrible... I almost don't enjoy the weekend anymore??? what happened to my ability to see all the teams in my league... who's where, with points.. I'm talking about being able to see ALL the teams at the same time... it used to be it's own little box on the right side of the screen...

now if I want to see where I stand, compared to the 9 other teams in my league.. I have to open each of them individually? - my two cents... it doesn't seem to user friendly any longer...

and based on what I'm reading here... plenty agree
2013-09-14 18:22:33 UTC
I agree with many of the comments. The new format is fine but my older

eyes have trouble looking at the page for any length of time. The background and contrast cause me to get a headache in no time.
2013-09-08 14:29:28 UTC
I would express how dissatisfied I am with the new app, but I just went to check on a feature I thought was missing and it wouldn't launch at all. Ads popped up though. Thanx Yahoo!, I feel totally downgraded.
2013-08-30 12:16:10 UTC
I asked myself, why would I play Yahoo Fantasy Football game when there is perfectly fine offical FPL game there already. Then it hit me, it must be the prizes.

I took a look at the prizes and I am amazed.

Russ B
2013-08-24 08:50:59 UTC
The layout is flashy but like others are saying, there needs to be an option for changing the screen color back to white. I understand that this would be an easier format for tablet users but the blurry dark background makes everything difficult to see and it even hurts the eyes. I just don't think there were enough problems with the old page format to warrant such a drastic change. There should at least be an option for those who wish to revert to the old Fantasy Football page layout. It's hard to imagine that the long term Yahoo Fantasy Football players will remain with Yahoo after all these changes to the old features that made the site so appealing to both beginners and veterans in the first place.
2014-06-12 20:08:00 UTC
We are given the opportunity to submit our logos which must be square and then you try to fit a square peg into a round whole. How am I to make my logos round? What are the limits? Most logos people use are square. Bad idea. As a whole if you want the site, implement theming which will make everyone happy.
2013-09-10 04:34:01 UTC
I do like the color contrast. I do not like the format. It is hard to use on my phone, the overlay is horrible. I can't find the team stat results and the big board is irrelevant. My bet is, you will probably be the least used fantasy site next year. I plan to switch unless you make big improvements. The previous product was spot on. You should take disciplinary action against your product development team, they are counter productive.
2013-09-05 21:23:39 UTC
I don't like the new layout. it makes it difficult to quickly look at the scores. Solid white background was better.

Suggestion: Give users the option to pick different color schemes, and be able to switch between new layout and old layout.
2013-08-27 22:06:48 UTC

2013-08-27 01:27:38 UTC
Please change the background for the new desktop version of your Fantasy Football site. The new layout is nice and the features are interesting but It's incredibly difficult to read.
2013-09-27 12:28:18 UTC
Layout is generally good but the faded background image of the rink/ football stadium etc is too busy. I would like an option to set it to a flat black or grey color
2013-09-09 16:32:29 UTC
The background is awful. I do not like the layout for the match ups. On every browser, computer, or phone I've used it lines up both players avatars on the same side.
2013-09-07 08:45:50 UTC
I can barely read the text and the points. Very difficult to read. Also, It is sometimes difficult to line up the stats with what players scored them. I think this has to do with the color scheme and the outlook. I don't really like it, I preferred the old one. It was brighter and easier to read...I'd prefer to use yahoo, but this new layout is making me reconsider. At least I can read ESPN...
2013-09-05 06:26:19 UTC
It's horrible. It wasn't broke before and now feels so much busier. Go back to a solid background instead of the transparent, at least in the area where you're making roster changes.
2013-09-04 20:47:07 UTC
Well I do like it but like everyone else is saying it is really hard to read with that background! I would say either change the opacity of the scoreboard or change the background.It is actually annoying enough that i was looking to change it back to the classic somehow... otherwise it is good to go!
2013-08-28 20:02:01 UTC
Absolutely horrendous. I have been loyal by blood to Yahoo since 2000. that's right, 13 years. i am glad people who never used the internet know what is good for me. i cannot look at the new interface without getting a headache. there is a reason books are printed on WHITE paper with BLACK letters. come basketball season, i will be shopping around for a new home for my 13 year FBBL league. Too bad!
2013-08-27 22:28:54 UTC
Give me the option of having the white background. What in hades is this abomination. Did some of your guys get the combination lock to the rum candy? Seriously though it is hard to read and understand. We should at least have the option of toggling between backgrounds.
2014-06-28 18:08:06 UTC
Whenever you make a change, you should always make it possible to revert to the old look which in my opinion was much easier to take in as a whole. Making the avatar/logo we choose is just plain stupid. We are given the opportunity to submit our logos which must be square and then you try to fit a square peg into a round whole.
2014-06-20 17:01:50 UTC
I have been using yahoo for over a decade and switched to espn leagues this year because I like to be able to easily read stats. That is kind of the main point of the league.
2014-08-10 23:15:50 UTC
I don't give a rats hoot about backgrounds! I'm a hard core long time Yahoo Fantasy Player who now can't navigate! Thanks for Classic View! My desktop is 5 yrs old but wth? Take away Classic View I have no choice but to draft elsewhere and take my league with me! Thank you Yahoo for keeping Classic View! Good suggestions appreciated!
2013-09-11 09:23:25 UTC
Hi Yahoo,

After much time to work with. I think its a little too ruff on the eyes. I think giving an option to go back to a white theme would be great.
David C
2013-09-08 13:59:17 UTC
The new website is terrible. Black screens make it hard to read. Go back to white please or at least give us the option to select a white background. The rounded logos are awful. Your projections are all over the place. From the matchup screen, it makes it difficult to see the actual points with the black screen and your projections all over the place. Needs to be simplified. Ugh... the black screen look is just awful. I kind of want to switch to ESPN because of it. Ugh.
2013-09-03 18:50:43 UTC
I, for some odd reason was able to join the same league twice under one username thus blocking the last team member from joining. Then even though I was manager of both teams I was unable to draft for both of them. I tried logging in under different browsers and even logging in and out each time. I royally screwed over our 10th player. Killer flaw.
2013-08-30 16:06:43 UTC
I think it is worse. Plus, I have good enough internet, but the old format was clean and could be used on slower connections. Now, loading times could be horrible for people in rural areas. It is too 'busy' now. Need a switchback to classic option.
black star flame
2013-08-30 05:32:35 UTC
That they should not advertise on answers if they do not want others advertising? We must serve as an example for those we wish to follow our rule. It's only fair. Other than that I do like the layout of the site but its not my thing.
2013-08-30 01:14:36 UTC
It is a complete failure. Like the old addage says "if it ain't broke, dont fix it". The Yahoo fantasy experience was by far the best thing going. So was at one time. Then they changed. "The rest", as they say, is history. Sandbox, as a result, is history as well. They too stuck with the idea that they knew what was best for their fans regardless of the negative feedback these same fans expressed. That is what brought me to Yahoo nearly 20 years ago. Please be better. If your loyal fans are screaming at you to please give us back the reliable system we have been so happy with for so long, why not accommodate? We are good and loyal supporters of Yahoo fantasy sports. You guys have been so good at doing it well for so long. Please dont go the way of the sandbox and stubbornly "fix" what we all are trying to tell you is not broken!
2013-08-28 11:51:29 UTC
The new theme is horrible - tough on the eyes and too busy.

We want functionality not a designer home page. Keep it simple and revert to what made yahoo the best.
2013-08-28 10:19:29 UTC
The website background is awful. it's so dark, which makes it difficult to see anything and navigate the site. I am the commissioner of a long-standing 12 team league, and the members of my league universally despise the new background. Is there anyway to change it back? I haven't tried the new app yet, but will.


Jonathan (
One Time Everydays
2013-08-26 23:27:32 UTC
very nice site The world's most watched league

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Watching the fantastic players and exciting matches creates the support that drives the broadcast and the commercial interest that ensures we can re-invest in the game, both domestically and globally.
Brian Julius Peppers
2013-08-26 11:14:11 UTC
The new site design is AWFUL.

Read a web design book. One of the first things you'll see is: Don't use a dark background.

Forget the 'Best Answer' prize. Change the site back and everyone wins.
2016-05-01 19:49:49 UTC
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Uncle Ruckus
2015-07-28 07:45:15 UTC
Why cant we just have custom background? The all white background is hard on my eyes and a custom background could bring a sense of personality to each individual league.
2013-09-09 15:03:52 UTC
In the immortal words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, "If it ain't broke, keep your grubby hands off it!"

So, please heed those sage words and give us the option to return to the "classic" Yahoo Fantasy Football format. It's your site... by all means tweak, retool, sledge hammer whatever you want. Just please - for the love of God - let the millions of us who liked the site the way it was (enough to keep rejoining year after year after year) be allowed to have the site appear and work the way it used to. And while you're at it, could you make sure my team always wins.


Thirty-One Dive, aka Mr. Whipazz


40 Acres and a Mule FFB League
Randy K
2013-08-30 17:50:08 UTC
This new layout is unworkable on an iPhone. When you need to zoom on, all the different pieces go all over. Google, Facebook, or ESPN would never have made this error. If they did, it would be fixed already. I fear that Yahoo won't fix this problem all season.
2013-08-29 12:03:20 UTC
Don't like I can't choose a league. Still not assigned a league for a couple of my teams. Liked old layout...way easier to read....will see if I make it next year on your site. Always bragged to people about your FF not at all.
2013-08-29 11:07:17 UTC
The new layout SUCKS. Our league preferred Yahoo because it was clean, clear and all info was easy to find. You just limited the amount of time people will want to spend on the site and the amount of ads they'll see. Dumb move.
2013-08-28 20:11:20 UTC
the ability to draft on my phone is great....everything else sucks worse than anything in the history of sucking! its unreadable, cluttered, and I cant find any information without scrolling through tons of crap I don't need. I would give this new format a negative 1 out of 10...because its that bad!
2013-08-28 16:38:54 UTC
I hate it and want it fixed now. 11 years using yahoo for fantasy and this issue will make it a no brainer to switch to CBS or ESPN next year. At least give us the option to switch to the old (better) layout.
2013-08-27 06:20:13 UTC
There needs to be an option to change the background so that text is easier to read. As is, the new background/text combo is very annoying. Otherwise, new features and functionality are good improvements.
2013-08-31 11:23:23 UTC
I am not a huge fan of it. I like the original way because now we have to look and search for simple things where we would easily find them on the original page. Please make a way to be able to switch back and forth between the original setup and the new one, because I want the old one, but still don't want to take away from those that like it.
2014-09-13 19:57:50 UTC
The only real problem is the background image as many others have mentioned. I think solid colors work much better as a background. Please at least give us the option to either revert back to the old design or change the background. Thank you.
Los Maguas
2013-09-23 17:49:39 UTC
Please get rid of that blurry background image of a stadium. I showed it to some people and it induce seizures in half the people. The other half thought that their eyeglasses suddenly stopped working.

It is awful! I cannot describe how awful it is. Who ever thought this up should be taken out back and literally beaten silly. Did I mention how much it sucks.
2014-07-17 09:50:48 UTC
I have already seriously considered moving all of my leagues to ESPN. It would be a sad move after all these years but I don't think I would be able to stare at that layout for seasons on end.
2013-09-03 09:40:41 UTC
New layout and blog posts are terrible to view on a tablet. Also, when I go to puck daddy it also looks like garbage.

Using a Nexus 10.
2013-08-31 08:10:10 UTC
I would really enjoy the fantasy football but I only have a desk top computer. And i do not own a fancy

phone, they coast to much money just to talk on.
2013-08-31 07:24:50 UTC
I'm stuck! How do I put Michael Crabtree or anyone else "not active" on the IR list for my team. Our league has 2 IR spots, but he and others can't be put on our IR. If I could make the move I would be free to add another player. PLEASE HELP!!!

Other than that the new system seems to be working great!!
2013-08-30 08:55:35 UTC
Its bad all, you need the white background, it is like the old windows, like 98 when you choose the dark theme, contrast black and blues - not good, give an option for classic. The website that is
2013-08-28 22:53:20 UTC
I agree with much of what's been said: it's difficult to read the content. I am a commissioner of a keeper league and I have signed out in frustration a couple of times. Please give options, or make the background more faded so we can read the text. Thanks for offering such great fantasy sports, otherwise.
2013-09-09 20:03:56 UTC
I hate the new layout. It is harder to read and frustrates me to the point that I say F it. Ask, the new app has yet to work right for me. Bad call on this one yahoo.
2013-09-04 18:10:30 UTC
Hard to read with black background. Confusing layout. Seems slow when going from one page to another. Wish I could go back to older version. I will quit using it.
2013-08-28 08:29:01 UTC
I don't like it! I already knew how to navigate the old page, why not offer a "classic view" for those of us who don't like change. As many other have said, the dark background makes it hard to read. I say thumbs down :(
2013-11-25 08:40:42 UTC
Dont really like it. Hard to find things. Oh, the biggest complaint is that when i click into the notes box and the window popups up, I can no longer see any of the text!
Eric H
2013-08-26 15:26:25 UTC
I like some of the changes, but...

-The dark font / background combo is tough for my bad eyes to read.

-I miss having the smack talk on the front page.

-I liked having both Standings and Match-ups on the front page at the same time.

-I have no use for Brandon's rankings unless they're tailored to my custom league scoring and I didn't realize it.
2013-09-05 15:14:21 UTC
I hate it. I sure would like to have the option to go back to the classic or original style. There is entirely too much going on and how this made it through design is beyond me.
Ben Mishkin
2013-09-04 18:37:08 UTC
The color scheme / background is horrendous. I'm thinking of abandoning my league that I've been in for 13 years, because it hurts my eyes to use it. Eat some crow and revert!
2013-08-26 17:44:51 UTC
awful layout, too hard to read and makes me dizzy. you guys are the best in the biz, no change needed? this is like facebook changing just to change all the time, all it does is make people mad.

there should definitely be an option to change to the old layout
2013-08-26 15:22:31 UTC
Not a fan of the background. There's too much noise going on and makes the text hard to read.
2013-08-28 12:12:01 UTC
The new graphic design of yahoo sports is an abomination. Who in the world approved these horrible design layouts? Please switch back to the original layout or you will loose a loyal yahoo user.
cat daddy
2013-08-28 07:40:41 UTC
I don't like the background. It makes it very difficult to read. I found this forum accidentally while looking for a way to change it back to white.
2013-09-25 16:51:40 UTC
I actually prefer the old one. I think a light background is easy on the eyes. This one has too much going on in my opinion.

But in general thanks for awesome fantasy sports. Been playing yahoo for ten years and no plans on stopping.
2013-09-09 16:12:51 UTC
It is an absolute joke.... almost like Yahoo! purposely tried to take everything and make it much worse. I'm amazed that Yahoo is still in business with the amount of crap they produce.
2013-09-02 16:37:54 UTC
The new screen colors are terrible. It really hurts my eyes to even look at this screen. I seriously am getting dizzy staring it. If this doesn't change, I will find myself not spending much time on the site. Please change the colors; or at least give us an option to revert back to the old format.
2013-08-26 11:34:43 UTC
It's terrible. A lot of the functions do not work like they should...bring back the old site.

Dark on Dark background is an eye sore...If it wasn't broke, then why fix it?

It's not fully compatible with Internet Explorer 8, hence why a TON of people are having trouble with navigating. Should probably fix that.
2013-09-09 21:06:51 UTC
It's too dark and almost in-userfriendly. I understand if people like it because it's new but there should be an option to go back to the original layout.
2013-08-29 19:53:54 UTC
It's very difficult to read and a strain on my eyes. I can hardly read it. Had I known this I wouldn't have joined the league despite the fact I've won the Super Bowl two years in a row! Please offer the black on white classic style.
2013-08-27 12:03:14 UTC
The redesign is terrible. It is extremely hard to look at. Who thought of the color layout format? My toddler could have done better. The thing gives me a headache. Please give options to change the color or background.
2013-08-27 11:52:07 UTC
How do I get the old version back? This new version is terrible! First you guys ruin my email page and now my fantasy football page. I will leave them both if you don't bring back the old versions!
2013-09-07 03:31:55 UTC
I really don't like the dark background. You should offer a choice of a few skins for the site.
2013-08-27 13:39:09 UTC
The new Yahoo Sports Page and Fantasy Football page backgrounds and color schemes are crap!

I can't find anything, it is all blurred out and drowned in green puke!!!!!

Please allow users to change color schemes and background images, like back to plain old white -> now there's a profound concept!
2013-09-05 13:17:14 UTC


Kevin C
2013-09-05 03:49:47 UTC
I liked the old one better. Plus on the waiver list I can't see projected points for the upcoming week which also sucks. You used to be able to do this on the old one.
2014-09-09 20:12:57 UTC
The most important need is to able to read it easily. It takes too much effort to read on the muddy / camouflage background. Appearance is important, but secondary to being easy to read and focus on, especially when scanning through names.
Ryan Gibson
2013-10-02 18:23:24 UTC
Super hard on the Eyes, not as easy to navigate and not a fan that you dont get your daily totals at the bottom anymore.
2013-09-09 17:05:16 UTC
Hate the new interface. The data is inconsistent, I can't get rid of the 'smack talk' popup, the apps always crash. Just bring back the old site.
2013-09-05 05:24:02 UTC
Wow....Went to line up my players and can't even see the screen. Moved to other room of house thinking it was my lighting. Had to sign off because my eyes hurt too much from straining. Please let us have an option for white background.
Pigskin Bandits
2013-09-04 20:30:47 UTC
It would be really nice if Smack Talk showed up on the League Overview page still. I'd like to see the smack talk from all the matchups.
2013-08-30 22:56:42 UTC
Wow, the new layout is HORRIBLE. Congrats though, this will probably be a new episode of the League on FXX, Dre's gonna gripe hard and carry a load!

Give us the option of Classic view PLEASE!
2013-08-26 05:25:47 UTC
The dark theme is horrible to look at. It is a strain on the eyes. Whenever you make a change, you should always make it possible to revert to the old look which in my opinion was much easier to take in as a whole. Making the avatar/logo we choose is just plain stupid. We are given the opportunity to submit our logos which must be square and then you try to fit a square peg into a round whole. How am I to make my logos round? What are the limits? Most logos people use are square. Bad idea. As a whole if you want the site, implement theming which will make everyone happy.
Matt A
2013-10-30 14:25:32 UTC
Personally, I like the old layout. It feel's more "Excel" like which is clean when you are looking at stats (number) and trying to analyze. The App is fine, though.
Mark W
2013-09-04 06:31:59 UTC
Numerous complaints about it being difficult to read against the dark background
2013-09-12 23:07:23 UTC
The NEW FORMAT SUCKS! Its awful! It is visually tiring to look at. If your looking for ease and functionality -- RUN RUN FAST! Just logging into my team irritates me. They had the best damned fantasy game on the internet and ruined it! YAHOO PLEASE GO BACK TO THE OLD FORMAT!
2013-09-06 20:31:55 UTC
Sometimes less is just better. My eyes hurt from trying to navigate my fantasy teams. Maybe give us an option...and if you see more people are changing back...well....
2013-08-29 12:55:29 UTC
Horrific. Change it back to the black & white or we will find a new host for our fantasy leagues next year. I cannot see anything. Who's idea was it? Who agreed with him/her? Fix it or we're gone.
2013-08-29 07:26:15 UTC
It's awesome. But, I hate the new Yahoo! Sports format/layout. Missing articles, can't comment... can't find anything.
2013-09-04 10:13:30 UTC
The dark background makes it terribly difficult to enjoy. What other sites do you know that use a dark background as their primary color?
2013-08-29 18:41:14 UTC
Some people need something to do, have fun with and be a part of while betting money....wtg fantasy football!
2015-01-17 03:47:24 UTC
2013-09-09 18:36:05 UTC
The site is fine but the app is not even worth having. So slow and useless.
bob l
2013-09-06 05:38:36 UTC
I don't care much for it. I think the background makes it tougher to see the words on the page .
2013-08-28 21:42:54 UTC
New design is horrible... make it STOP. Especially bummed right before FF season.

I got to this site to search for method to change it back. Yahhooo!
2013-08-27 05:55:41 UTC
The same as nearly everyone here:

The new color sheme with the black background ist terrible and awful

Please bring back the old one or at least give us all here a chance/buttom to switch back to "classic"
2014-09-30 18:04:55 UTC
"People with astigmatism (aproximately 50% of the population) find it harder to read white text on black than black text on white ... with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye."
Grant C
2013-10-01 08:21:59 UTC
It's absolutely terrible, the background makes everything too hard to read
2013-08-30 19:42:33 UTC
Mobile is good. Desktop is HORRIBLE. Frame issues on Chrome. Strain on eyes with new colors. Features are moved or missing. Please revert, I have 3 leagues here and don't want to move them elsewhere.
Purple Tiger
2013-08-29 07:35:36 UTC
You definitely need to provide an option to change the background and/or font color
2013-08-26 21:28:58 UTC
The new layout is difficult to read. I don't like the color/contrast while navigating. I like simple, easy to read layouts/color schemes such as the old one or ESPN's layout.
2013-09-08 15:57:11 UTC
This is my 3rd year playing and I love it. HOWEVER, the background make it very hard to see the information.
2013-09-05 16:03:07 UTC
The background is absolutely horrendous, unneeded, and unfunctional. It's very difficult to read text and confuses the whole site. I can't believe it made it past the design department. PLEASE get rid of the background.
2013-08-27 18:01:59 UTC
The new layout is awful. Please give the option to change back to the old layout like is done with the roster edit mode.
David Bernnnn
2013-08-26 22:24:14 UTC
I like everything....except the super blacked out background. Makes it hard to navigate and hurts your eyes. Other than that I am all for it.

2013-08-29 02:37:01 UTC
Who evers idea this was should be hung by thier balls! This is absolut bull after 4 yrs with yahoo im switching to espn GFY yAhoo
2013-08-28 22:08:57 UTC
It is a great challenge to play and see just what may happen or who wins
2013-08-25 20:40:37 UTC
I agree that the background sucks. It reminds me of old myspace pages. An image behind text you need to read? Really? Amateur decision. I have been using yahoo for over a decade and switched to espn leagues this year because I like to be able to easily read stats. That is kind of the main point of the league.
2013-09-23 10:19:22 UTC
I like it. My biggest issue is the round/circular area for the helmets. This needs to be square.
2013-09-12 14:39:20 UTC
If I wanted to look at facebook, I would sign into my facebook account. I hate the new design. It looks very unorganized.
2013-09-08 10:25:26 UTC
Sucks. Horrible app. It takes forever to refresh and is practically useless.
ganesh k
2013-08-29 14:00:34 UTC
2013-08-29 09:10:23 UTC
Adjusting to it. After, what, 8 seasons, and being old to start with... adjusting is the name of the game.
Jake The Snake
2015-08-21 16:04:33 UTC
The all white background looks horrible.
ramm h
2013-10-05 09:58:41 UTC
Absolutely whack
2013-09-10 10:47:51 UTC
The background image makes it hard to read. I love everything else.
michael c
2013-09-04 15:42:00 UTC
dark back ground hurts so much. there is a reason 99% of web pages have white background
2013-08-30 18:04:44 UTC
It's a piece of crap. For the first time in a decade I will be playing somewhere else.
rabbit lover
2013-08-27 13:05:15 UTC
I'm in 5 leagues and have been for years. It's absolutely horrific. I will take my leagues to ESPN next year.
2013-09-04 13:19:59 UTC
I have a hard time reading the text, so it looks like a massive downgrade.
2013-08-29 18:53:54 UTC
Absolutely terrible. Very hard on the eyes.
2013-08-27 06:57:14 UTC
The background sucks.
Jason Boutin
2013-08-26 17:23:09 UTC
It's hard to read. Liked the simpler one with the light plain background much, much, much better
Bryan Cranstons Dick Gr.apes
2013-08-26 15:26:56 UTC
The background make everything very difficult to read!
2014-08-31 14:54:57 UTC
Here we are, one year later. There still is no way to change the black background?
2013-09-08 16:52:58 UTC
Change the background. Its very hard to read.
2013-09-07 10:57:37 UTC
Wish I could revert back to classic mode. Can't find smack talk anywhere except for what I wrote.
2013-09-05 06:31:37 UTC
I will continue to pile on here. The new layout is terrible.
2013-08-30 04:03:20 UTC
Oh, I think, the new Fantasy Football site is terrible! ) This is not good idea
2013-08-29 18:44:13 UTC
Just plain awful. Must change it back before season. You will lose customers and thus advertising dollars.
2013-08-28 06:09:35 UTC
I don't understand the site, but I love watching football.
2013-09-09 19:55:09 UTC
app is terrible on ipad. data doesn't load.

its obviously a problem as the app now automatically says "if data isn't loading try force quitting the app"

so, i guess it would be nice if you guys fixed it maybe.
2013-09-04 10:36:42 UTC
Can I do my live draft from my iphone? There's a tab that says, "my drafts". But it shows nothing. I can't even click on it.
2013-09-04 06:47:53 UTC
One word. Terrible.

Two words. Change it.

Three words. Moving to ESPN.
2014-08-18 17:00:03 UTC
it sucks so much dick it isn't ******* funny. Way to not be able to search with a league id or name anymore. Can't play this year because it's impossible to find our ******* **** league on your worthless ******* **** website
Buddy Christ
2013-09-05 22:23:44 UTC
Looks like a 13 year old girls Myspace page. i mean really why mess with something if it wasn't broken.
eyeball 2020
2013-09-03 23:09:15 UTC
why cant I change my team name? your new layout seems to have left out the team settings option
2013-08-27 06:04:24 UTC
So Far so Good- I'm just ready to start !!! my draft is this Friday night
2013-08-26 15:12:21 UTC
I hate the new color scheme and layout. Too busy and confusing.
2013-09-06 17:25:18 UTC
Give us the option to go back to old style.
Martin Powell
2013-08-26 05:51:44 UTC
App is great so far. Background is terrible. It is very hard on the eyes and difficult to use. If you insist on changing it can we have an option on the background theme. it is very distracting and makes it hard for my eyes to focus.

Thank you.
2013-08-25 19:48:46 UTC
Overall functionality of the site is nice. However, the text is hard to read at times, some features to choose different colors/background image would be nice.
2013-08-28 18:53:49 UTC
Get rid of the new design, and get rid of the people who implemented this change.
Kiya B
2013-08-26 06:50:19 UTC
New redesign is not good. It is not easy on the eyes with the text color and transparent background. White background was better, keep it classic.
2013-08-28 14:26:03 UTC
I agree with those who say that the background is absolutely impossible to look at. Please give us the option to have a background that is less busy.
2013-08-26 17:33:16 UTC
At least make an option to switch it back to the classic...
2013-11-03 12:08:57 UTC
Change background back to how it was hard to read
2013-09-05 17:11:31 UTC
For the love of God and your own bodies, please change it back! The matchup view is terrible. It is so much more difficult to see the information I want quickly. Please give me an option to use the classic view.
2013-09-04 22:46:08 UTC
I agree with others...I do NOT care for the new layout.
2013-08-28 13:07:27 UTC
This new site is horrible. Everyone in both my yahoo leagues agrees. Please give the option to change back to the way it was.
James D
2013-09-05 15:54:25 UTC
I agree with almost everyone here, PLEASE change the background back to white or at least give us the option to do so. I gave it a chance for my eyes to adjust, but it's not happening.

2013-08-26 08:52:58 UTC
Too difficult to read the text with that blurry background image.
2015-08-29 14:10:08 UTC
its not showing week 1 match ups? 2015

will do it after preseason?
Guy R
2013-08-28 15:58:15 UTC
go back to white backround, the new layout sucks
2013-08-26 16:16:20 UTC
I hate the background its to loud and distracting.
Shannon Crawford
2013-09-29 20:04:07 UTC
i like it except for the background. Some of the text is unreadable unless you highlight it. A white background would be better.

2013-08-26 17:03:47 UTC
New background needs to go, it's terrible.
2013-08-25 17:52:13 UTC
It's hard to navigate. The message board is not an improvement over the old one, and the entire site looks cheap. Honestly, it's terrible. The blatant pimping of Facebook on it makes me want to switch to ESPN.
2013-08-31 12:30:44 UTC
The Background is, No Good!!!!!!
2013-08-30 08:45:18 UTC
Ronbo the Destroyer
2013-08-24 23:48:09 UTC
The new design is terrible. I am having trouble reading it due to the blurry background image, and the lack of contrast and tiny text. Why did you roll this out right before the start of the season? Why did you not leave an option to revert to the old look? Not happy. Thinking about moving my league somewhere else.
2015-09-01 04:39:30 UTC
It sucks yahoo...why the hell didn't you just LEAVE IT ALONE!!! I will play elsewhere next year you friggin idiots!!!!
2013-09-30 19:41:34 UTC
seriously this NEW layout sucks! change it back to what it was or atleast make the backround color white. IT SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs. please give us an option to switch back to the classic veiwing
2013-09-04 05:35:38 UTC
Awful new design
2013-08-31 11:21:50 UTC
the new dark background sucks! it's difficult to see and annoying! especially since you don't provide the option to change it back to the classic white. please change the background or at least provide the ability to choose the background you want. please!!!!
2013-08-26 00:47:17 UTC
Desktop version: Please please change the middle section back to black text on white background- or something that's higher contrast than blue text on a black background. It's really difficult to read and strains the eyes. The contrast ratio should be at least 4.5:1 - for accessibility it should be 7:1.
2013-08-23 16:08:51 UTC
I agree with other comments that there should be an option to pick the background. The new site is extremely unfriendly to view in older browsers whereas the old layout worked without problems.
2013-08-31 09:57:05 UTC
I don't watch football but I'm sure its nice :D
2013-08-29 20:03:05 UTC
The new background is awful, I can't even comment on functionality because it pains me to look at my team. Please fix this, it sucks. BROTHER!
2013-08-28 18:04:42 UTC

Very straining on the eyes. Please allow option to use the old format. If it ain't broke....
2013-09-27 17:19:04 UTC
it's disgusting, the old layout was wayyyyyy better, it's not even close.
2013-08-31 06:03:09 UTC
I do not think much of the new game.
2013-08-27 19:32:39 UTC
Terrible, cant even edit my team's name anymore.
2013-08-26 11:36:26 UTC
don't like the background
2013-08-26 10:43:04 UTC
Functionality is fine, but background image / transparency makes it difficult to work with.
2015-09-10 00:01:36 UTC
I'd love the OPTION of choosing white (TOO White!!!) or back to the black background!!! Please give us the choice!!
2013-08-26 12:34:49 UTC



2013-08-27 10:15:43 UTC
Please give us the ability to change the background back to white. It is horrible on my eyes.
2014-07-20 12:47:50 UTC
fire the idiot who put in the dark background and tell us how to change it
2013-09-07 23:04:43 UTC
There is no fun when you cant see other peoples smack talk
2013-09-04 12:58:05 UTC
For the love of god, please, please, please give us the option of something other than a blurry green background. I can live with the other changes, but I desperately need to be able to read the screen.
2013-08-28 16:11:39 UTC
There should be a "HOW TO PLAY" link somewhere obvious.
2013-08-28 08:47:44 UTC
It absolutely terrible. hate it
2013-08-26 10:52:18 UTC
It is terrible. It is gothic looking and verty hard on the eyes.
2013-08-25 22:01:42 UTC
Its really bad and whoevers idea it was should be fired. And to do a terrible change 2 weeks before the season starts just shows how dumb it was.
2013-09-08 14:48:17 UTC
how do you get the old version
maureen h
2013-08-31 07:57:45 UTC
i dont play football it hurts too much
2013-08-28 14:29:39 UTC
Please go back to black on white background, or give a guy the option to choose.
curious cat
2013-08-30 14:11:57 UTC
I don't like change. Ever.
2013-08-29 17:44:41 UTC
a waste of time
6.1 HEMI
2013-08-28 19:44:24 UTC
I do not like it all. I cant even move players around????? its so touchy. YUCK
2013-09-05 19:31:19 UTC
the back ground sucks change it back
Uncle Luke
2013-09-04 21:24:44 UTC
Please change it back. It is very hard to see. There was nothing wrong with the way it was.
2013-08-28 07:54:38 UTC
The new look stinks.
2013-08-25 21:11:35 UTC
After using the new layout for a few weeks I do have some questions and criticism. Everything is too cluttered, and the font is had to read behind the transparency background picture. Also, is there any way I can edit my league home page? The draft grades are cool, but after having them up a few days I want to replace that space it occupies with the week's match-ups.

The League pools should show up bigger, or maybe a window could indicate an important league vote is there. Maybe keep it on the message board and in addition when you click on your team you'l see a small notification of a team vote. Similar to a trade notification, but for the trade notification a one time pop up should pull up to indicate a vote the 1st time you log in. In addition to the pop up the trade should be presented in more than one spot.

I understand why aesthetically Yahoo is changed because it was generic looking. But that was the beauty of Yahoo is the simplicity. The font, background, and the cluttered look doesn't represent better or modern.
2014-08-25 19:16:41 UTC
Can we please go back to squared off team logo's. The circle logos are awful.
2013-09-04 09:02:39 UTC
New interactivity/functionality is great. Color scheme esp the defocused BG is horrible. Please make it go away.
Been There Done That !
2013-08-30 10:28:45 UTC
Very irritating.
2013-08-28 22:43:02 UTC
I hate it
Neal S
2013-08-27 12:47:44 UTC
Hate it, way too dark.
2013-08-25 17:51:49 UTC
The layout is fine. The background makes the new layout unreadable.
ab s
2013-09-08 12:26:28 UTC
The color changes make the FFL web pages entirely unreadable. Please switch it or I will switch.
Eric T
2013-08-27 12:54:57 UTC
I can't read anything on there anymore!
2013-08-25 09:43:05 UTC
Please give us the ability to change the background! Or an option to have a white background! I'll forgive all the rest of the gaudy, unnecessary, wasn't-broke-so-why-fix-it stuff, if you just give me an option where I can read the damn screen!
Optical Archives
2013-09-10 11:23:05 UTC
The background image is REALLY annoying!!!

Please put it back to last year's plain white background!!
2013-08-28 15:15:37 UTC
right now it sucks i"m signed in and it can"t find my team.
Scott F
2013-08-25 18:54:21 UTC
I absolutely hate the new face and layout. It's ridiculously hard to read.
2013-08-25 16:55:12 UTC
Need to allow background change. It is hard to read.
2013-09-30 00:25:41 UTC
how can i change the layout back to normal? i think the new one is terrible... thanks for your answer.
George W. Bush
2013-08-25 12:01:56 UTC
The features are good but the dark background is awful. Hurts my eyes to try to read it.
2013-08-30 21:38:06 UTC
did not meet my expectations
2013-08-27 13:33:18 UTC
i think it the best thing ever
2013-08-26 05:20:47 UTC
I do NOT like the new desktop version. It is NOT easy on the eyes.
2013-08-23 14:03:15 UTC
Personally, I like the new layout, but I think most others dislike it. It can be difficult to read the text at times, but with my young age, that's not much of an issue. Check out the Big Board Top 50 page and view the comments. You will find complaints about the new site on there.

I like that you guys have revamped the Lineup Changing Method. It's just like ESPN, and is easier to make lineup changes, so thank you for that!

I love the draft grades portion of the league home page. The upgrades from 2 years ago to this year have been substantial, including the weekly matchup analysis - which I enjoy a lot!

The "MY TEAM" page as a whole will take a little while to get used to, but I don't think it will be challenging to adapt to the new layout. I love that you teamed up with Rotoworld - they are one of my favorite sites for info.

Overall, I think the site improved. Thank you!
2013-09-07 00:30:33 UTC
I hate it!
2013-08-28 16:48:15 UTC
I don't like it at all.
2013-09-17 15:26:01 UTC
CHANGE THE BACKGROUND NOW! IT IS HARD TO READ! KIND OF LIKE ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blue Thunder
2013-09-08 13:35:05 UTC
Background makes it togh to read.....nearly impossiblr on my android. I need contrast... THANKS
2013-08-31 07:11:02 UTC
it sucks
Mike F
2015-07-10 18:03:31 UTC
It sux too bright!!!!!!
2013-08-31 09:12:49 UTC
I don't know.
2013-08-25 06:31:51 UTC
I am not allowed to win anything but am in several free leagues ..setup is easy and one of best and believe me have tried them all. this stinking state of Maryland THAT I live in wants it all themselves all lottery games now slots and casinos but cannot evensign up at poker site without banks trying to stop thanks
santosh p
2013-09-04 17:15:44 UTC
i think its great
2013-08-29 23:53:08 UTC
Please revert back to the old one. No one likes it.
2013-08-23 16:01:50 UTC
Need to allow users to adjust the background image, there is not enough contrast with text and background (which is what I really appreciated on the previous layout).
2013-09-06 07:11:05 UTC
PLEASE allow us to change the background color! I can't see anything. 😠😠😠😠😠
2013-08-27 09:11:39 UTC
i really, really don't like it.
2013-08-26 11:31:32 UTC
I don't use that.

2013-08-25 02:10:10 UTC
I find it to be awful. Please at least provide the option to switch back like the classic option for setting lineups.
2013-09-03 22:59:47 UTC
2013-09-03 21:07:34 UTC
Please change the background to white.
2013-08-23 14:22:00 UTC
Hi Yahoo! At first the change was such a difference from what i am used to, that i didnt like it. The more i look at it, the more i like it. The design is cool and navigation is going to make playing fantasy football more enjoyable.

I love the fact that under the marissa mayer regime you are willing to take chance and make your products more visually appealing. Yahoo! is the best site for fantasy! Keep up the great work
2013-09-05 16:02:53 UTC
2013-09-25 16:15:17 UTC
Please revert back to the original design/interface. Please!
barron b
2013-09-05 17:13:33 UTC
It sucks bad. Please change back.
2013-08-29 15:35:56 UTC
I find it so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-08-26 15:17:19 UTC
Do NOT like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-08-23 13:29:33 UTC
Reported for advertising.


The app is nice and clean. I don't play FF on Yahoo! so I'm not the right person to evaluate it and critique it in detail, but from what I see it looks nice.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.